Inspired by the wonderful write-up:
The plasma effect is a classic real-time visual effect that showed up in many old school demos. It works by accumulating multiple types of sin functions based upon position and time. These calculations are typically pre-computed and turned into lookup tables.
const ra = require('raster');
let n = 160;
ra.setSize({w: n, h: n});
ra.useDips(['horizontal', 'spinning', 'concentric']);
// Grey scale palette
ra.usePalette('grey'); {
ra.fillFrame(function(x, y) {
x /= n;
y /= n;
let t = ra.tick / 20;
let v = 0;
// Horizontal wave
if (ra.dip['horizontal']) {
v += Math.sin(x * 10 + t);
// Spinning wave
if (ra.dip['spinning']) {
v += Math.sin(10 * (x * Math.sin(t / 2) + y * Math.cos(t / 3)) + t);
// Concentric
if (ra.dip['concentric']) {
let cx = x + .5 * Math.sin(t / 5);
let cy = y + .5 * Math.cos(t / 3);
v += Math.sin(Math.sqrt(100 * (cx*cx + cy*cy) + 1) + t);
return valueToColor(Math.sin(v / ra.dip.length * ra.TAU));
function valueToColor(v) {
// v is -1 .. +1
v = (v + 1.0) / 2;
// v is 0 .. 1
v = Math.floor(v * 255);
// v is 0 .. 255
return v;